I forgot that someone else could read that
The vast majority of blogs and articles focus on the training process, and how using data for training is this massive breach of privacy.
No one seems to even consider the usage side of LLMs.
A friend was trying out a Generative AI tool the other, started a conversation and casually dropped some personal information. After a few messages his colleague who was working on the same project shared his screen to show him the detailed list of all the things that had been said in the conversation.
"I forgot that someone else could read that"
This higlights the fact that hundreds of millions of people globally are inputting their innermost thoughts, fears and desires into LLMs every day. They upload X-rays, wedding photos and death certificates. They paste full WhatsApp conversation histories and type in secrets they would not dare tell another human. We can debate whether that is a good or bad thing, but it sure is a massive shift in how we interact with technology.