LLM self-assessment

Yesterday I wrote about AI integration: Trello to GitHub. Further to this, what about letting the LLM assess its own ability to take on a task? Imagine prompting like this:

You are an Engineering Manager. On your team you have a senior engineer, a mid-level engineer and a junior engineer. Read the following Trello card and decide who should work on it:
[card contents]
Reply in JSON format with the following fields:

The LLM would then reply with something like this:

  "assignee": "senior",
  "reason": "The card is a complex feature that requires a senior engineer"

This gives us three grades to work with:

  1. If the response is junior, the workflow sends it down the automated PR path where an LLM writes the code and submits the PR.
  2. If it's mid the LLM just writes ideas for solutions, submits them in a PR with a description and a link to the Trello card, and puts it in the "ready to go" column for a human to work on.
  3. senior goes to the "to do" column, for a human to start working on it.

Anywhere in this workflow a human can re-direct cards if they end up in the wrong place. You start small, with only one card in-flight at any time, then as your confidence in the system grows you can dial up the concurrency.